School Activities
- 14/12/2019
Parents’ Day
- 11/12/2019
S5 Talk on Guide Dogs
- 10/12/2019
Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme -- 5E Ma Ka Yan
- 03/12/2019
S6 OLE Lessons - Fair Trade Simulation Activities organised by Fair Trade Hong Kong
- 30/11/2019
Life Buddies Mentorship Programme – Visit to North District Hospital and Wo Hop Shek Crematorium
- 27/11/2019
Field Trip to the farms in Long Valley
- 25/11/2019
The Civic Virtue Week
- 21/10/2019
S1 Study Group
- 18/10/2019
22nd Swimming Gala
- 15/10/2019
Athletics Meet
- 30/09/2019
Students’ Union Day
- 28/09/2019
The Hang Lung Young Architects Program