School Activities
- 31/08/2017
A.S. Watson Group HK Students Sports Awards Sports Exchange Tour
- 20/08/2017
S1 Orientation and Parents’ Day
- 06/08/2017
London Study Tour
- 15/07/2017
Joint activity with students from University of Edinburgh
- 11/07/2017
Post-exam Activities
- 10/07/2017
- 24/06/2017
Talk for Parents on Use of Mobile Phones
- 07/06/2017
Prize Presentation by the CEO of Octopus Card
- 29/05/2017
Parent-student Activities in May
- 19/05/2017
UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2017
- 12/05/2017
10-Hour Famine
- 06/05/2017
S1 Growth Camp