School Activities
- 11/05/2018
Two activities to CUHK and Ma On Shan organised by the Geography Department
- 28/04/2018
Hoi Ping Culture and History Study Tour
- 21/04/2018
Life Buddies Mentorship Programme with Lands Department
- 24/03/2018
The 45th Anniversary School Fair
- 12/03/2018
Student-led Service Activities
- 04/03/2018
PTA Outing
- 03/03/2018
Visiting High Rock Centre
- 01/03/2018
The Inter-school Tennis Competition
- 20/01/2018
Collecting land data with an unmanned aerial vehicle
- 19/01/2018
S2 Day Camp
- 08/01/2018
Visiting Conet H6 of Urban Renewal Authority
- 20/12/2017
Christmas Party