School Activities
- 18/12/2017
Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme
- 16/12/2017
Geography Field Trip to the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark
- 16/12/2017
Tennis Friendly Match
- 09/12/2017
Parents’ Day
- 08/12/2017
21st Swimming Gala
- 10/11/2017
Hoi Ping 45th Anniversary Debating Cup
- 14/10/2017
- 13/10/2017
Visiting Headquarters of Lands Department
- 10/10/2017
Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2017
- 03/10/2017
Teachers’ Day
- 29/09/2017
Students’ Union Day
- 24/09/2017
Life Buddies Mentorship Programme with Lands Department